Monday, November 27, 2006

fade into you.

the shadows of mine
cast over the horizons

bringing nothing but plight
a selfish tinge of empathy

what more to say, what more to say
flying higher into the sphere with my cranked up jet

maybe its what you didn't say, not what you did.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

hi, my name is dalton. it's 11.48 pm and its drizzling outside.

Friday, November 10, 2006

hello dearest friends,

if i've let any of you guys down or given you the thought that i don't care or judge you, i'm sorry.. it really isn't who i am to do so. if you know me well enough it doesn't really matter about what you've done before.

i'm not in the position at all to judge anyone. i just want to be a good friend. someone who you all can turn to and share life with..

i just want to let you guys know i've never thought about you guys that way. i love you all and i just want to see us do well in life. sorry.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

heh.. i have a new achievement. and i've set a pretty high standard.. to you know who.

anyways.. i guess God's been really patient and generous with me.. the things i've prayed about and the things i've prayed for. they are always answered.

hmm so yeah its a week's break from sch for me now. trying to make the best out of what i need to do too..

and yes! Christmas is coming... ha ha ha