Friday, November 10, 2006

hello dearest friends,

if i've let any of you guys down or given you the thought that i don't care or judge you, i'm sorry.. it really isn't who i am to do so. if you know me well enough it doesn't really matter about what you've done before.

i'm not in the position at all to judge anyone. i just want to be a good friend. someone who you all can turn to and share life with..

i just want to let you guys know i've never thought about you guys that way. i love you all and i just want to see us do well in life. sorry.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Someone to talk to
Someone who cares for another
Someone who knows what to say
Someone who I can call a brother

Thats you right.

So why say sorry?

You know what I think of you.