happy 4 months! i love you!
this past 4 months ah. i think i've never felt more blessed. life is good la. but then you're the big big big bonus. you know? haha its really fast right? and also.. i think we've been through quite abit for a short 4 months. and we've learnt and grown alot together.
remember that night when i asked you. haha.. memories. so yes, we got to that place again today. and ya i loved it. short while also love it. since then i've never looked back.
how do you know if we're the right one for each other? cause we CHOSE each other. muack!
i know in the coming months and years ahead, its only going to get better. thank you for your love. let me LOVE you.
remember that night when i asked you. haha.. memories. so yes, we got to that place again today. and ya i loved it. short while also love it. since then i've never looked back.
how do you know if we're the right one for each other? cause we CHOSE each other. muack!
i know in the coming months and years ahead, its only going to get better. thank you for your love. let me LOVE you.
nothing to say.
but then! got things for you dear. while i cant talk to you like how i always do everyday, please take care of yourself ok? along the way you'll find it hard, tough and irritating. but then the sun always sets. so a new day will come. see the sun set 6 times only can see me already. heh..
i love YOU and i thank YOU for everything! so when you're feeling out of it or miss me like how i miss you alot alot alot. haha come read this post again.
remember to pursue God when you're in need of anything. He's the one who's going to pull you through. when it gets tough, pray and let God hold your hand to guide you, lift you and support you.
so i'll see you in 2 wks time. take good care of yourself. remember to cover! heh. and study hard. go home early ok? do what you think is right. you know me well enough :) heh x)
yours always,
xiang xiang <3
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:) <3
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